Raising money for the homeless

I headed to London this November to join other volunteer CEO’s to sleep out all night and raise money for the homeless. The CEO Sleepout is an amazing charity and I’m pleased I could take part.
I was lucky enough to be able to pack a bag full of warm stuff and knew I would be heading back to my home and warm bed the next day. Many people across our country don’t get the choice; did you know there are an estimated 70,000 people living on the streets in our country! It was really cold and of course the ground wasn’t great on my back but it was a really worth it. I now have an idea of what it feels like to sleep rough and after listening to the guest speakers on the night who have lived experience, I have much greater awareness.
I managed to raise £870 and on the night we collectively raised £177,000.00. i’m already thinking about how I can help out again next year!

Thanks to everyone who sponsored me, I’m really grateful ♥️


Lovely client feedback…


On the radio again…