The Power of Being Yourself

People are being limited by their negative mindsets, and I think that’s just not fair. It’s debilitating, and people are really suffering from a lack of confidence and self-belief, leading to poor life choices that mean they’re not fulfilling their full potential.

As humans we pay attention to the negative far more than we do the positive, and this negative mind chatter can completely knock your confidence, so we have to work really hard to counter that.

Because once you have this negative mind chatter, when you're stepping into a space or walking through a door, you're walking into a room trying to fulfill the expectations of others instead of just taking up your own space and deciding how you want to be seen and heard. And that's when we find ourselves being sidelined by others.

I feel very strongly that everyone should be able to make a choice about how they want to be seen. They should be able to choose how they take up their space, but it often takes a really deliberate effort on their part to do that.

But if you can achieve it, you start to feel confident about how others perceive you. You start to feel confident about the messages that you give out. And people start to feel comfortable in your presence. When that happens, that’s when you can leave a lasting impact. That is when they really hear what you have to say and start to take notice.

If you are a leader, they will follow you.

If you are a teacher, they will start to listen to you and learn.

And it’s all because they see somebody who is settled, and calm, and trusts in themselves. If we all did that then I think we’d be far happier, and far more content in the lives that we're leading.

So how do you get started?

The first thing to do is to take a big step back, take some time out to really think about where you are now and where you want to be.

What is really, really important to you? What will you be most proud of?

And it's usually the things that are most valuable to you that will pop up. Align yourselves with those things and be true to them. And that's when you can take up your own space and really behave confidently. Because what's the worst that can happen if you're fully being yourself?

Whatever happens in that situation, you will handle it.

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Reflecting on the huge impact made upon me at Impact 2023.