This is a shout out to the Dads…..

This morning my Dad arrived at bang on 8.30am to collect my youngest daughter and take her to school so that my morning was a little easier. He asked me, did I have a busy day and I said, ‘Yes……I feel lucky to be working.’ In his gruff and equally gentle voice he said, ‘Good lass, I’ve brought you a bag of compost for the plant you want to re -pot’ and with that he left with my little girl. She is so happy around him that she didn’t even look back to give me a kiss goodbye. I take this as a good sign, even though I would have loved a kiss! Even at my age I still need and want my Dad, probably now more than ever. He is a role model, a grounding presence in my family and an example of love, kindness and masculinity that I want my daughters to know and respect.

I regard working with young people one of the more important aspects of my work. I have always valued my time working alongside young people, learning from them and being a go-to role model and advisor for them. In the past year I have found my involvement with regard to coaching, teaching and mentoring young people more vital and consequently more important than ever. However, without awareness and love from parents to see beyond the surface, (the external representation that we humans present to the world) of their own children I would not have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many young people. Recently, the Dads have been showing themselves as fine examples of manhood and parenting with their openness, caring and unconditional love towards their children. They talk to me about their deepest concerns as well as their bursting pride and it is truly humbling for me to be a part of the journey that families take with me in order for their children to live their best lives feeling confident, happy, fulfilled, resilient, autonomous and above all loved.

Of course, our children can be any age. As parents we know that no matter how old our children become we will always want to care for them. So it is not unusual for parents to come to me for help when their children are in their 20’s! I bet my Dad would step in for me even now and I’m in my 40’s!

I want to share with you some feedback that a Dad sent me recently and it made my heart burst…….

‘Audrie was recommended to me by a close friend as a coach for my daughter who is a 1st year student at drama college. From my first contact with her I knew she was the one for us. We talked on the phone for about half an hour, I could have listened for much longer. Her infectious enthusiasm for what she does is so engaging. I was captured by Audrie’s experience, her vitality and her absolute passion for helping other people. Audrie radiated such trust and caring in her communication that I felt instantly drawn to her and her coaching style. I was looking for someone who would inspire my daughter and encourage her to make the most of every opportunity. She has achieved that and so much more. I’ve worked with many coaches over the years and without question Audrie is the one I would recommend above all others.’

I agree his words make me sound good but that’s not really why I shared them. It is his use of words that express to me what is important to him and what he knows he values in others that really made me think how lucky so many of us are to have true superhero male figures in our lives! Thankfully, I have first hand experience that he is not the first and will not be the last to look under the surface and really see what his child needs.

I feel truly blessed to own this space in my life; to be able to be there for others and to experience Dad’s as true champions who will do all it takes to make sure their children live a wonderful life.


The most powerful soft skill that changes everything…..


Become your voice