Your 2023 Goal plan in 4 easy steps! Try it for yourself………..

This month I have been asked by my clients to help them take stock, look back over the past year, consolidate, set goals and create an action plan for 2023!

Ambitious people often find they become overwhelmed by the challenges they face on their journey to get what they want and 2022 has definitely thrown many curve balls to swerve, grapple or throw in the mixing pot. Many could say this has been a tough year but it’s fair to say every year will bring its own challenges; it is how we deal with challenges that defines us and makes us stronger.

This is a great time of year to take stock and look to the next year ahead so that you are ready to face 2023 with positivity and proactivity. Use my goal setting and action planning exercise below to get you on track for a great year.

1, Take a look at where you are now.

  • What have you learned this year?

  • What strengths have you drawn on to stay on track?

  • How did you stay agile and pivot?

  • What has stayed the same and what has changed?

  • What do you know you will do differently going forward?

  • What will you continue to do?

It is very likely that once you take a look back over the year with the above questions in mind you will appreciate just how far you have come! You are doing great and probably much better than you allow yourself to imagine.

2, Think about what more you want.

  • What do you want in 2023?

  • Remember to bring your whole self to this process; don’t limit your goals to your career or business, everything in your life is important.

  • What have you done so far to achieve your goal/s?

  • What are the benefits of achieving your goal/s?

  • When, (specifically) in 2023 do you want to achieve this goal?

  • What could get in the way?

3, Think of your Options. What can you do to make sure you achieve your goal/s?

  • Be creative, don’t limit your options.

  • What if you could wave a magic wand and nothing held you back, what would you do?

  • What if you had more time, what would you do? Can you make time?

  • What if you asked for help?

  • What if you could handle anything? If you can handle anything, what do you have to fear?

  • Challenge your limiting beliefs and mind set which have previously held you back from achieving your goals.

4, Decide what you WILL do to get what you want in 2023.

  • Look at the options above and decide what you are prepared to do.

  • List your actions in priority

  • Give them a date

  • Give them a time

  • Now mark them out of 10! Give each action a mark out of 10 to determine your actual motivation to carry out the actions. If you mark a 7 or below there is a good chance you will wake up tomorrow and find a way to avoid getting started. If you have an 8 or above it is very likely you are determined to do whatever it takes to stick to your plan and achieve your goals.

  • Be kind to yourself. This is a learning process. Do you still have questions and issues around getting started? Take the time to look at your goals again and consider if they are what you really, really want and adjust your plan accordingly.

  • How will you reward yourself for achieving your goal?

Now that you have your plan will you stick with it? There are many ways to stay focused…………Get a coach! Create a vision Board, tell your friends and ask them to make you accountable, revisit your goals and actions daily, create healthy habits to maintain a healthy, proactive mindset.

Good Luck and go out and DO IT!

I would love to know your goals and actions story so please email me with your plans and your progress.

If you need a coach drop me a line and let’s make 2023 your best year yet! - 07712648761


Success Story…..


Do politicians have a responsibility to speak well?