Your voice is more powerful thank you think…

I never dreamed that I would be invited to speak at the American Embassy in 2024.

Just like everyone at this time of year I’ve been looking back over the last twelve months and thinking about what 2025 will bring. In business we like to plan and maker forecasts but there are some things you just can’t plan for and others that you just never expect.

For me, last year was a year full of surprises and challenges that pushed me out of my comfort zone and forward towards a life and business beyond my dreams. I can honestly say that it wasn’t down to luck; it was down to hard work and, even more than hard work, it was down to my voice.

You don’t need to go far, watch any program or listen to any broadcast to appreciate how spoken word can have an impact upon us. Others move us, change us, provoke us, annoy us and can repell us with their words. I have consulted and commented on the words and performance of great politicians and leaders many times; their speaking isn’t always successful and doesn’t always have the intended effect but one thing which cannot be denied is the huge impact made when they speak.

You won’t be surprised to know I’m fascinated by our very specific and human art of connection; to speak. My fascination started when I was very young and struggling to find my own voice but as I go through life and find myself still wracked with nerves before speaking, despite decades of a life in the spotlight, I will never cease to be amazed by how our own voice can change the course of our life!

I know first hand how speaking up and having something of value to say can open doors and change our life. Speaking and helping others to understand my value and purpose has grown my business, elevated my career and built trusting and enriching relationships beyond my expectations.

I still pinch myself when remembering what I did last year. It was me who spoke at the American Embassy, HSBC’s International Women’s Day event on the Thames and numerous times with the Judiciary in Paris last year amongst many engagements at home and abroad.

Honestly, I never would have believed you if you had told me I would be doing these things. Prior to having my business, I was a successful actress and I think that all the training and experience has been a huge help to me but, like many actors, I have always been an introvert, always happy to be home and in the quiet and always thinking that surely what I have to say isn’t that interesting. I have a purpose greater than my own fear though; to help others find their voice and realise their full potential and this has been the driving force, pushing me on to put myself, my voice and my mission out there.

Why am I writing this you ask? What’s my point here? Well my friend, thanks for sticking with me and my rambling, my point is that if I can do it so can YOU!

Many people come to me for help, telling me they struggle but want to make a change, they want to speak up because they know they deserve a better job, a promotion, a better business and to be heard and seen for their true value. I’m never happier than when I’m helping people get to where they want to me with new found speaking and communication confidence and expertise.

If you are someone looking to change the course of your life or career and you know that staying quiet, dodging the opportunity to speak in public or network, avoiding presentations to your peers or rejecting leadership because you don’t have the confidence to own your voice and your space, now is the time to SPEAK UP!

I’m here to help and there are so many ways you can work with me. If you haven’t seen my brochure yet here is the link, and if you want to chat with me about how I can help you can book me here .

Why wait another year? Start your speaking journey with a chat to me and see where it takes you!


How do you CHOOSE to be seen and heard?