Are you living your purpose?

So, I was very shy and found it hard to speak and involve myself in conversations when I was young and I suppose it isn’t surprising that, having found a way to overcome my shyness and become an actor, teacher and coach, I understand the benefits of overcoming our limiting beliefs in order to get what we want. My purpose is to help others look, feel, sound and be the best that they can be in order to get what they want.

In the past 2 weeks I have been travelling to Batley to work with young people who are taking part in an employability scheme organised and directed by the brilliant Jack Sunderland at his boxing club, Training Cave. I met Jack two years ago and we began working together to build on his public speaking and presentation skills. It was clear when I first met Jack that he is a positive force with an energy and passion about him that attracts opportunity, possibility, potential and tangible outcomes for himself and those he trains and mentors. His purpose is to enable and see a positive change in others and he does this daily, sometimes it’s subtle and other times it’s profound but most importantly, it is consistent and lasting. The Training Cave is Jack’s vision and his dream. He is a professional boxer, teacher, mentor and coach running a successful boxing club with discipline, respect, care, honesty and integrity at it’s core and there is no doubt that Jack has created this brilliantly inclusive community space on purpose!

It is my privilege to coach Jack and an honour to work with the young people on the employability scheme giving them communication and speaking tools to own their voice for life, improve their career potential and build confidence. In this context Jack and I are both fulfilling our purpose and helping others.

When we follow our inner voice, the one telling us to do exactly what excites and fulfils us, we thrive and we become instruments and catalysts for creating positive change in the lives of others. By living according to our values and purpose we are boundlessly fulfilled and therefore generously paying forward all that we have learned, enabling others to do the same and so it goes on and on and on……….

Jack is a game changer and a positive influencer as well as a gifted individual, every community needs people like him to bring light, hope and possibility where it is lacking. If you want to know more about all he is doing to help others check out


Stay true to your Values….


Nerves? This is NOT the time to focus on yourself!